Want more!
Loved this podcast… please write a book!
This podcast sounds great and I got a lot from it…looking forward to ‘kids on nature’!!
By CrumCrumCrumCrumCrumCrumEtcEtc via iTunes | Australia | March 7, 2020
Gentle and inspiring
Thanks to Out There podcast for featuring this. I like to listen to podcasts when I can’t sleep and they are rarely gentle enough. Loved this. Off to the park now…
Interesting listening
An honest and heartfelt podcast with great snippets of research and interviews. Thanks for sharing your story.
I really enjoyed this honest account of what could have been such a devastating experience but what actually led to growth and understanding
Excellent. Binged through all episodes in a few days.
Great perspective and content is balanced and engaging. Well worth a listen!
Soothing and informative
I loved listening to this podcast. Sarah tells her story in a very matter of fact way that I found engaging. And the sound design is incredible, weaving in so many lovely nature sounds. Recommend!
A must listen to for everyone
This podcast is excellent to listen to! It gave me insight into how I can continue to use nature and other strategies to help with my headaches, brain fog and anxiety I feel on a daily basis.
Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had a brain injury just over a year ago. I was fit and active 25 year old at the time and also a working mother of 2 girls based in Australia. I still have so many issues and unanswered complications. I’ve only just found a doctor who is able to shed some light on some of my conditions. Thank you for encouraging me to keep going and for pulling me out of the dark places you can sometimes fall into during recovery. I wish I found this podcast a year ago!
Beautiful pace
Two episodes in and I’m really excited about this podcast. Beautifully told, the narration is easy to listen to and empathise with. I’ve loved the inclusion of natural environment sounds and have already changed how I spend my time with mixed media from listening to it- super well done!
An interesting personal story that also shares insights on how the brain works. It’s motivated me to switch-off more. (Also, it has great sound design – it’s a pleasure to listen to.)
By Popcorn pool via iTunes | Australia | October 28, 2019
Perfect blend of science and storytelling
Wow! What a journey. I laughed, I cried, I learned a lot about how the brain works. And I was inspired to get off my phone and out into nature a bit more. Feeling much better for it. Highly recommend.
Thank you, for telling us about your recovery fascinating! Glad you are well. Get into nature because that is what is intended. Makes sense!
Thank you Sarah! It’s like I wrote it myself…it’s so refreshing hearing someone describe having very similar experiences to my own recovery
Interesting and relatable
A well produced show that hits home for me. I have experienced a chronic daily headache for over a decade and my symptoms of pain similar in many ways to the authors. I too have found that movement and often nature to be best treatment in taking my mind off the chronic pain for survival. Glad to hear others talking about creating the best possible life that we can given circumstances when all other options exhausted.
Good but one gripe.
Enjoyed learning about your ordeal. Thanks for sharing your personal account of brain trauma. But shortly into the series, I was struck by the bombardment of noise hitting you. Why no mention of ear plugs or hearing protection??? (And excellent portrayal of the various grating and annoying sounds in your newly-perceived environment, BTW.) And the killer? The CAT scan tech offers MORE noise for your ears??? What? Here they are treating patients, many with brain trauma & concussion symptoms, and they can’t provide high tech noise-canceling headphones? A million dollar CAT scanner, but no earplugs? What an oversight! Plus I found your lack of mentioning same curious. Sound was definitely seriously bothering you. I’d expect you to have gone out and gotten the most expensive and high quality noise canceling ear phones money could buy. (I’ll add that I attend weekend-long festivals with nonstop loud music. I utilize not just ear plugs, but noise-canceling headphones too. The additional sound reduction is amazing.) But you make no mention. Plus, aren’t there even more effective solutions musicians wear (custom ear inserts) to prevent/reduce hearing loss? So that made me wonder how much of your delayed recovery was due to you not addressing your noisy environment? Not victim blaming, but by episode 3 I was yelling, “Why no ear plugs??!!” Why didn’t your physicians address this? Why would your neurologist’s office have a blaring TV in the waiting room? I’m only at episode 3, so perhaps you address this later. But I HAD to mention this. Thanks! BTW, for parents out there concerned about pediatric brain trauma & concussion in sports (or any cause), some health care providers now offer “concussion baseline testing.” This is valuable in diagnosing and treating brain injury if anything befalls your child in the future. And wear those helmets!!! My daughter’s soccer teammate received a debilitating concussion in a game. Her mother only learned about this testing AFTER her daughter’s injury. She really wished she had known about it beforehand. Thought I’d share. Thanks again.
Looking forward to this
I’m quite excited about this upcoming podcast, because I don’t think enough can be said about how important nature is to our well-being. The fact that it could help us to heal from traumatic injuries seems even more important to discuss.
By 1000camels via iTunes | Australia | July 30, 2019