I started making this narrative documentary podcast series while I was still recovering from a mild traumatic brain injury.
It’s a slow burn project, two years already in the making. I’ve had to learn how to produce audio along the way. I’ve worked as a journalist for many years in print and TV, but only done a brief stint in news radio.
Since April 2018 I’ve been working with Olivia Rosenman. As co-producer she’s provided crucial support, guidance and creative ideas. We met at the Audiocraft conference in 2017 and eventually I got up the guts to invite her on board. The collaboration has turned into a friendship – we’ve even been camping together with our families.
Ariana Martinez is creating the sound design for the six episodes. Humyara Mahbub designed our podcast tile. Jonathan Zenti composed and performed our title track – Leaf with No Tree.
I was mentored for this project by Claudia Taranto. Thanks to Audiocraft for selecting me for their Ladies Who Listen mentor program.